4. Deep Learning Examples

Two deep learning examples are provided in the Synkhronos/demos/ directory, one using the MNIST dataset and the other training a ResNet-50 model. Both build models using Lasagne, and this portion of the code remains unchanged. The main change is the construction of the training function.

4.1. Update Rules

All first-order update rules (e.g. SGD, Adam) can be computed using multiple devices by the following sequence: 1) workers compute raw gradients on their local data, 2) all-reduce the raw gradient, 3) workers update parameters using the combined gradient. The tasks of computing the gradient and updating the parameters are split into two Theano (Synkhronos) functions. Lasagne’s update rules have been adapted in this fashion in Synkhronos/extensions/updates.py. The MNIST and ResNet examples show how to use these updates, and a similar tool for making a single callable training function is provided in Synkhronos/extensions/train.py

One speed enhancement for the above scheme is to write the gradients of all layers in a network into one flattened vector. Calling NCCL collectives once on a large variable is faster than making many calls over smaller variables. This flattening pattern is built in to the Synkhronos update rules, which automatically reshape the gradients in the parameter updates.

4.2. Data Management

A more subtle difference in the code is the data management. All data must first be written to synkhronos.Data objects, to be made available to all worker processes. Thereafter, the entire data objects can be passed to the training function, with the kwarg batch used to select the indexes to use. It is possible to pass in a list of (randomized) indexes, and each process will build its own input data from its assigned subset of these indexes. This is not only convenient for shuffling data, but also more efficient. In parallel, each worker process will perform its own memory copy inherent in excerpting a list of indexes from a numpy array. This is the pattern used in lasagne_mnist/train_mnist_cpu_data.py and resnet/train_resnet.py.

It is also possible to scatter a data set to GPU memories in Theano shared variables. The kwarg batch_s selects the indexes of these variables to use in a function call. This can be either one list (slice), to be used in all workers, or a list of lists (slices), one for each. All Theano shared variables to be subject to batch_s or slicing must be declared in function creation under the kwarg sliceable_shareds. The lasagne_mnist/train_mnist_gpu_data.py demo follows this pattern. Scaling and overall speed should improve relative to the CPU-data demo.

Note that the batch and batch_s kwargs work differently. Applied before scattering, batch selects from the whole dataset; batch_s applies after scattering and selects from workers’ datasets. See demos/demo_4.py and demos/demo_5.py for examples.


It is not necessary for the length of a selected data input to be divisible by the number of GPUs. Data will be scattered as evenly as possible. Only when averaging is this not strictly mathematically correct; the results from all workers are averaged with equal weighting.

4.3. Other Notes

4.3.1. Scaling / Speedup

In the MNIST demos in particular, experiment with different batch sizes (a command line argument when calling as script) to see the effect on speedup. As the batch size grows, so should GPU utilization. Scaling will be best once the program is GPU-compute bound. (Of course this will affect the learning algorithm–see recent publications on successful large minibatch training.)

4.3.2. Easy Validation and Test

Validation and test functions can be performed conveniently by passing the entire validation or test set to the function call. Use the num_slices kwarg to automatically accumulate the results over multiple calls to the underlying Theano function, to avoid out-of-memory errors.

4.3.3. Importing Lasagne & GpuArray

Use the Theano flags device=cpu,force_device=True when placing import lasagne or import theano.gpuarray in file headers.

The reason this is needed is that it is not possible to fork after initializing a CUDA context and then use GPU functions in a sub-processes. Without the force_device=True flag, importing theano.gpuarray creates a CUDA context. import theano.gpuarray is called within import lasagne.